Anand, Margo
Bolen, Jean Shinoda
Buckland, Raymond
Cabot, Laurie
Campbell, Joseph
Conway, C.J.
Cuhulain, Kerr
Cunningham, Scott
Farrar, Janet & Steward
Fitch, Ed
Frazer, James George
Gardner, Gerald
Graves, Robert
Grey Cat
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen
Hamilton, Edith
Haugk, Kenneth & R. Scott Perry
Horne, Fiona
K, Amber
Kraig, Donald Michael
Mission Control
Monaghan, Patricia
Morrison, Dorothy
Penczak, Christopher
Reed, Ellen Cannon
Roderick, Timothy
Valiente, Doreen
Wood, Robin
Zimmerman, Denise & Gleason, Katherine
Crowley, Aleister
Grey, Eden
Huang, Kerson & Rosemary
Penschel, Lisa
Reed, Ellen Cannon
Rodway, Howard
Wood, Robin
The Edda
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Illiad
The Theogony
The Kama Sutra
The Key of Solomon
The Lebor Gabåla
The Mabinogion
Gaer, Joseph
Ross, Floyd & Hills, Tynette
~Drawing Down the Moon
~Goddesses in Everywoman
~Gods in Everyman
~The Power of Myth
~Law Enforcement Guide to Wicca
~Wicca, A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
~A Witches Bible Compleat
~Spells and How They Work
~The Golden Bough
~Witchcraft Today
~The White Goddess
~Deepening Witchcraft
~Antagonists in the Church: How to
~Antagonists in the Church: Study Guide
~True Magick
~Modern Sex Magick
~E.T. 101
Dark Moon Mysteries
1996: Llewellyn Pub.
ISBN: 1-56718-345-X
~The Spiral Dance
~Truth or Dare
~When, Why... If
~The Complete IDiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft
Aradia: Gospel of the Witches
by Charles Leland
The Oddyssey
The Homeric Hymns
by Homer
by Hesiod
The Lesser Key of Solomon
'The Book of Conquests'
First Degree
Second Degree
Third Degree